Bottle gourd is in season. We usually prepare halwa, payasam or a simple stir fry(upkari) using it. I was discussing with mom for some spicy curry ideas using this vegetable. She suggested this recipe. I usually do not like one dish to other but I this one tasted like alambe phanna upkari. So if you see people selling this super summer veggie on the road side, do buy and try different recipes or you can even prepare juice.
Ingredients required-
- Coriander seeds – 1tsp
- Grated coconut- a little more than 1/4th
- Tamarind- gooseberry sized
- Red chilly- 5-6
- Bottle gourd (ghar dudde) – 1 big cup
- Oil – 2tsp
- Garlic cloves – 10-12
- Onion – 1
- Salt to taste
Method of preparation-
- Clean and peel the skin of bottle gourd. Also remove the skin. Cut it into tiny pieces
- Roast the coriander seeds and red chilly with 1/2tsp oil
- After cooling grind the coriander seeds, red chilly, tamarind and grated coconut into a fine masala paste
- Take a pan and add the oil. Add the crushed garlic after removing skin.
- Fry it till golden. Then add onion and fry well.
- Once onion is fried add bottle gourd. Mix it well and add very little water. Cover and cook it for about 10min or till bottle gourd is cooked. Don’t cook it till mushy.
- Now add the masala and salt to taste. You can also add the water from cleaning mixie.
- Mix well and cook for about 10min.