Kirlel Mooga Ghashi is prepared on the day of Utthana Dwadashi which is also celebrated as Tulasi Pooja in the GSB Konkani Community households. After day long fasting on Ekadashi, most people prepare Godi Surnali and Ekpani Chutney for the breakfast and Kirlele Mooga Ghashi for lunch. Sprouted Moong has amazing health benefits also once a priest also told us it symbolizes growth when they sprout. So we keep using them in preparation of Usli or salads.
Along with Moong we have to add a root/tuber vegetable such as Yam(Surnu) or kook. In this recipe we have used Kook. Also if we can using souring agents such as Hogplums(ambado) or bimbuli depending on season and availability. If those are not available we can add a small piece of tamarind.
Ingredients required –
- Green gram – 250grms(1pav)
- Coconut – 1 medium size
- Red chilly – 5-6
- Tamarind/Hogplums/Bimbul
- Yam or Kook
- Salt to taste
- Mustrad
- Curry leaves
- Oil – 2tsp
Method of preparation –

- As a first step soak the greengram in water 2 nights before the day you want to prepare this curry.
- Next morning drain the water and you can either tie the moong in a cloth or just cover and keep.
- By night it will start sprouting. Night again add water and keep.
- Next day morning drain the water and it is ready to use. This may vary with weather and season.
- Next clean and make pieces of Yam or kook which will be added as ‘Bharshi’ (the other item which is added with sprouts)
- Now add moong as well as yam/kook to the vessel and add water, allow them to cook well.
- Meantime prepare a masala with grated coconut and red chilly, if hogplums or bimbul is not added add a piece of tamarind.
- Once moong is cooked add salt to taste and mix once
- Next add the masala and required water.
- Finally add a tadka of mustard and curry leaves in cooking oil.
Also please refer Godi Surnali recipe.