This is a seasonal snacking item prepared from jackfruit just before it ripens. A specific variety of jackfruit has to be used whose arils are thick. We rarely used to get this jackfruit and tried with a number other jackfruits n failed even after following correct procedure. Couple of years ago a tree in our backyard started producing very few jackfruit and my mom thought of trying ghare karo from it. It became perfect and now we prepare it at home for our use. The process is labourous yet satisfying. Best activity for the kids during summer holidays.
Ingredients required-
- Jackfruit
- Concentrated salt water
- Oil for frying
Method of preparation-
- Remove the skin of jackfruit and clean the arils
- Put them on a cloth for drying to remove any excess water content.
- Cut theme lengthwise and remove the top and bottom portion.
- Heat the oil in deep pan. Once hot put the chips and fry.
- The frying will take sometime. Around 10-15min for each batch
- When it is almost done add a half table spoon of concentrated salt water.
- Remove once it is crisp
- Cool completely and store in air tight container. It will stay good upto a month.
Note –
- Always remove the top and bottom portion of the arils as they will not get fried properly
- If these don’t become crisp, later the whole batch of ghare karo will lose its crispness soon
- These top and bottom portion can be used in preparing upkari by adding crushed garlic, salt and chilly powder in 4-5tsp of oil.